Tuesday, September 1, 2020

September 1 - September 5

                                                             September 1 - September 5

This week we are creating an acrostic poem in Google Slides and presenting it using the screen record feature in Flipgrid.  We started the poems today, and we will continue working on writing the poems and screen recording/presenting tomorrow.    Poems/Flipgrid presentations are due on Friday.  The assignment may have shown up as past due.  The date that I created the assignment was showing up as the due date.  Please disregard that.  The poems are not overdue.

We did have some technical difficulties today during the period 6/7 block.  Google Meet was muting me every time I spoke.  I spoke with tech support, and I think I have the issue taken care of now.  Please be patient as I get everything figured out.  I will be understanding of technical difficulties on your end as well.

In addition to working on/presenting the acrostic poems, students will be benchmarking.  Benchmarking is very important because it allows me to identify individual strengths and areas of need.  Based on these results, I can tailor a plan to best meet each student's individual needs.  Students may complain of boredom this week as they complete the testing; however, I promise to shake things up once we finish with this very important task.

Finally, I am aware that this new and unfamiliar technology can be very frustrating.  I will do my best to assist you in figuring everything out.  I went ahead and created two video tutorials for you.  The hyperlinks are below.  These videos will teach you how to do the daily attendance, participate live, access the bell schedule, and how access the curriculum for each day.  I posted them in the parent homework section of Google Classroom as well.

Thank you!
Mrs. Fowler

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

August 27 - August 28

Welcome back Advanced English 7 students!

I am very excited to begin the 2020-2021 school year!  You have a very challenging, rewarding, and fun year ahead of you! Things are sure to be different than in past school years, but I am confident that we will successfully navigate these waters together.

We will begin the year by going over the course syllabus, rules and expectations, and transition letter.  It is imperative that we complete these things first so you know what is expected of you.  The documents that correspond with these items will be available on Google Classroom. I am trying to avoid passing papers back and forth as much as possible.  I have included links to these documents as well for your convenience.

Course Syllabus

*Your parent/guardian information form is due on or before Monday, August 31, 2020!  I am creating my distribution list on Tuesday so I can immediately begin sending weekly updates. The form is located both here on my website and in Google Classroom labeled "Parent Homework."

Parent/Guardian Information Form

In addition to going over the course syllabus, etc. students will complete some back-to-school activities that will help me get to know them a little better.

I'm very excited to be back in the school building and working with you!
Mrs. Fowler

Monday, March 30, 2020

Continuity of Education Update

Good evening,

At this point some of you have received a call from your student's homeroom teacher to explain how we are moving forward with education during the school shut down.  If you have not yet received a call, you will get one tomorrow. 

This week we will begin work with either Google Classroom or paper packets.  Educational materials are based on individual needs such as access to internet, etc. The material presented via Google Classroom or paper packet will be review and enrichment.  This means that we are practicing skills/ reviewing topics that students encountered at some point this year.  It is recommended that students in grades 7-12 spend approximately 60 minutes per subject area each week.

Assignments will go live online on a weekly basis every Friday with the exception of this week.  We will begin using Google Classroom on Wednesday, April 1st.  Paper packet pick up will occur every 2 weeks starting this Friday.  You can pick up paper packets at the elementary school on Friday from 4:00-6:00 or on Monday from 9:00-11:00. 

My Google Classroom is set up and ready to go.  I have already sent your student an invitation.  Your student's login is their lunch number @gapps.northschuylkill.net (ex. 1234@gapps.northschuylkill.net).  I do not know their passwords.  They should have them. If they cannot figure it out, let me know and I will send a helpdesk ticket to our IT department. 

To access Google Classroom for the first time:

Sign in for the first time

  1. Go to classroom.google.com and click Go to Classroom. Click Go to Classroom
  2. Enter your username and click Next. Click Next
  3. Enter your password and click Next. Click Next
  4. If there is a welcome message, read it and click Accept. Click Accept
  5. If you're using a G Suite for Education account, click I’m A Student or I’m A Teacher.
    Note: Users with personal Google Accounts won’t see this option. Pick your role
  6. Click Get Started.
    Click Get Started

Ready to start using Classroom?  An invitation to join my classroom will be there.  If for some reason you do not see my invitation, use the following codes:

Periods 1/2: fhgzskz
Periods 4/5: 62wssjp
Periods 6/7: uoabhzn

Once your student is in my class, you will see a message stream.  The first message is about Newsela.  Click on the box that says "Newsela l Join A Class!."  Once that step is complete, your student will be ready and able to complete his/her first assignment.  They can either click "Classwork" at the top of the page to access the assignment or scroll down the message stream.  The assignment is called Baby Yoda.

Please note that the assignment asks students to highlight certain things, etc.  Even though they are doing it digitally on Newsela, I can still see what they are highlighting, their answers, etc. so I know if they are actually doing it and if they are doing it correctly.

I will be holding office hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:00-3:00 using Google Meet.  Office hours start on Thursday, April 2nd.  If your student has any questions, they can meet me there.  I will be running a live video stream.  I posted a link for students to access the office hours in my Google Classroom.  Parents can meet with me during this time as well.  To access my office hours paste this link (https://meet.google.com/jmf-pnro-drv) into your internet browser on Thursday between 1:00-3:00.

If you are working with the paper copy, I will have a copy of the assignment with answer key ready for distribution at the elementary school on Friday from 4:00-6:00 or on Monday from 9:00-11:00.

I know this is a lot of information all at once.  I promise to be flexible throughout the closure, and I ask that you are as well.  This is just as new for me as it is for you and your student so there might be some bumps.  I ask that you be patient as we all get used to this new way of doing things.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.

Thank you,
Mrs. Fowler

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Hoot Chapter 11 (Optional Activity)

Mrs. Fowler reads Hoot Chapter 11


  • Mullet Fingers vandalized the construction site and the patrol car. Was he justified in doing so? Why or why not?

Friday, March 27, 2020

Hoot Chapter 10 (Optional Activity)

Mrs. Fowler reads Hoot Chapter 10


  • Beatrice and Mullet Fingers have a very different family than Roy. Do you think the characters' home lives impacted their approach to the Mother Paula's problem? Explain.

Update March 27, 2020

Good afternoon,

I wanted to provide you with an update.  The teachers had a virtual meeting with Dr. Ackell this afternoon, and he provided us with some important information. 

The 3rd marking period is over.  If your student did any Study Island grade changes during the closure, please send them to me by Tuesday, March 31st.  Grades are going to be based on what was due prior to the closure.  I'm going to give everyone extra credit for March Madness and the Al Gore essay.  If I do not have it, do not worry about it.  I saw everyone working on these things before the school closure, so everyone will get the extra credit.  I will have grades done by Friday, April 3rd.

I have some details about what to expect moving forward.  On Monday or Tuesday, you will be getting a phone call from your student's homeroom teacher.  The teacher will ask you some questions and assist you with technology needs and discuss with you the plan for continuing your student's education during the school closure.

I'm going to be setting up a Google classroom.  There will be an assignment available every week.  It is optional, and it will not be graded; however, we advise that you have your student log on and complete the work.  Though it is not technically graded, I will still provide feedback to each student.  As a district, we are offering review and enrichment during the school closure.  In order to maintain continuity of learning, I ask that you have your student participate. Invitations to join my Google Classroom will be coming out sometime this weekend.

In addition to Google Classroom, I will be holding office hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:00-3:00 in Google Hangouts.  I will be sending you more information about how to access my office hours over the next few days.

For those of you without internet access, we will be providing packets.  More information about packet distribution will be coming out in the phone call you receive on Monday or Tuesday.

I ask that you hold off on questions until after your homeroom teacher calls you on Monday or Tuesday.  Please know that I understand that these are difficult times for all, and I plan to be very flexible with 3rd marking period grades and moving forward.

Thank you,
Mrs. Fowler

Hoot Chapter 9 (Optional Activity)

Mrs. Fowler reads Hoot Chapter 


  • Curly calls in a reptile wrangler to deal with the snakes, but the wrangler claims there are no snakes. What do you think happened to them?

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Hoot Chapter 8 (Optional Activity)

Mrs. Fowler reads Hoot Chapter 8


  • In chapter 8, Dana starts bullying Roy on the bus and no one intervenes, including the driver. Finally it stops, and Roy turns around to see Beatrice next to Dana. Why do you think Beatrice stops Dana from bullying Roy?

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Hoot Chapter 7 (Optional Activity)

Mrs. Fowler reads Hoot Chapter 7


  • Roy and Beatrice agree to keep Mullet Fingers a secret. Do you think they are doing the right thing? Why or why not?

Monday, March 23, 2020

Hoot Chapter 6 (Optional Activity)

Mrs. Fowler reads Hoot Chapter 6


  • Mullet Fingers, the name the barefoot kid gives Roy, is a very unusual name. What do you think it means?

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Hoot Chapter 5 (Optional Activity)

Mrs. Fowler Reads Hoot Chapter 5


  • Do you like this story so far? Why or why not?
  • Why do you think the barefoot kid had poisonous snakes? Why did he blindfold Roy?

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Hoot Chapter 4 (Optional Activity)

Mrs. Fowler reads Hoot chapter 4


  • Do you think Roy's first impression of Beatrice is accurate? How do first impressions change over time?

Friday, March 20, 2020

Hoot Chapter 3 (Optional Activity)

Mrs. Fowler reads Hoot Chapter 3

Listen and enjoy!

Discussion Topic:

  • Do you think Roy handles his bully the right way? What could he do differently? 

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Hoot Chapter 2 (Optional Activity During School Closing)

Mrs. Fowler Reads Hoot Chapter 2

This is an OPTIONAL activity during the school closure.  It is NOT graded nor will it ever be.

To respond to the discussion questions, click on the comment button at the bottom of the page.

Enjoy the story!

  • Roy misses his old home in Montana.  Have you ever moved to a new place?  What was the most challenging thing about it?  How did you adjust to your new surroundings?

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Hoot Chapter 1 (Optional Activity During School Closure)

Hi everyone!

With everything that is going on, I figured that you have some extra time on your hands.  Take a break from gaming/social media and check out chapter 1 of Hoot.

Yes, that's me reading it.  I did my best.  You know I cringe when I record myself.

Listening to this recording is OPTIONAL.  It is not a grade nor will it ever will be.  I'm just providing you with something worthwhile to do while school is closed.

I have enabled comments so you can discuss the book.  Potential topics:
  • Why is Dana being mean to Roy?  Have you ever witnessed something like that?
  • Who do you think the barefoot kid is?  Why is he running?  Where are his shoes?
  • Who vandalized the construction site?
  • Why does Curly tell Officer Delinko about the owl holes but then later acts like he doesn't know anything about owls?
Mrs. Fowler reads Hoot Chapter 1

I hope you enjoy!

To leave a comment, click on the comment button below.

Update March 16-March 27

Good evening,

I hope this post finds you and your family well.  I've been getting a lot of questions.  I'm sorry to say that I know very little.  I have the same information that you get when you log onto the district website and go through the FAQs. This situation is unprecedented and changes on a daily basis.  I'm sorry if you emailed and I have not responded.  I have been trying to regroup and figure things out before reaching out.

Some of you have asked about work for your students over the course of the two week closure.  I cannot really make any new assignments or move forward with projects that I had planned prior to all of this because we are technically closed.  Students without access to the internet/devices would not be able to complete the new assignments. I do, however, have some recommendations for how your student can spend some of his/her time during the closure:
  • Your student may continue working through the Study Island topics from the 3rd marking period.  Now is a great time to redo some of them to boost grades.  In lieu of grade change forms, you can email me updated scores and/or just fill out grade change forms when we get back to school.  I'm also going to go ahead and add the rest of the Study Island topics.  We are actually almost done.  If your student wants to finish now, I would not have a problem with that.  If they do not do the new topics, that's okay as well.  I will be officially assigning them when we get back to school.
  • As far as the the March Madness project, I urge students to finish their books and complete the project if at all possible.  Before the closure, I set the due date as March 23rd.  All students were aware of that date.  What I am going to do is make it due 5 school days after we reopen.  That would be equivalent to where we were at before school closed.  March Madness Assignment
  • The Nobel Speech essay was due on Monday, March 16th.  Most students handed it in last week.  I will expect any student that has not turned it in to hand it in when we get back into the classroom.
  • If students did not bring their book home, they can access the textbook by going to www.pearsonrealize.com.  The username is ns followed by their lunch number (ex. ns1234).  The password is abc123. 
  • As a parent, I'm concerned about my daughter being out of the classroom for an extended period of time.  I have been seeking learning opportunities for her.  In my search, I noticed that most of these resources are geared toward elementary children.  If you are seeking an OPTIONAL learning opportunity for your child, access the online textbook.  Click on the white interactive book.  From there, click "open in new window."  In each unit, there is an individual component.  There are numerous selections to choose from.  You can have your student choose a selection(s) and read/annotate it.  Pearson allows students to highlight/annotate digitally.  After reading, they can work through the comprehension, analysis, vocabulary, and conventions exercises.  Students can type responses right into the boxes.  Once again, this is an OPTIONAL learning opportunity.
  • As far as the cereal project, we will handle that when we get back.  Because of social distancing, I cannot have students working in groups. 
  • I did post a digital copy of The Outsiders on my blog.  That was for when I believed that we would be in school this week.  Your student should not read it yet.
One more thing that I am going to do is start posting recordings of myself reading the book Hoot on my homework blog. The first recording will go live tomorrow.  Hoot is a lighthearted read, which I'm sure our students could use right now.  I will enable comments on the post so that students can "discuss" the book.  This is completely OPTIONAL.  Students do not have to read this book.  It is not a grade now nor will it ever be.  If you are looking for something educational for your student to do, then check it out.  If not, that is fine.  This is NOT GRADED.  It is OPTIONAL.

If you have any additional questions/concerns after reading this, please let me know.  I will do my best to provide you with answers.  Tell your student that I am thinking of him/her.

Mrs. Fowler

Sunday, March 8, 2020

March 9 - March 13


 Last week students read/annotated Al Gore's Nobel Speech.  Students will continue to focus on comprehension, analysis, craft and structure, vocabulary, and conventions.  Throughout this selection, students will be asked to evaluate an argument.  Evaluation is not the same as comprehension.  Students are going to critique the argument and look at the persuasive techniques used such as appeals to authority, emotion, and reason.  Students will use this information to make a judgement about how well the author does persuading the reader.  Students are required to write an essay presenting their findings.

Evaluating an Argument Essay
Mrs. Fowler's Recorded Lesson on Al Gore Essay
1st 2 paragraphs of Al Gore Essay (Sample) 

The selection test is scheduled for Friday, March 13th, and the essay is due March 16th.  Students will have time to work on the essay in class throughout the week. 

In addition to studying the selection, we will work through Study Island topics during the second half of the block. Students will have ample time to complete each assignment at school as long as they are using their time wisely.
Due by the end of the week:
  • Summarize Informational Texts
  • Text Structure
  • Word Relationships
Looking forward:
    Students will also be creating their own brand of cereal and a commercial using persuasive techniques to go with it.  Click on the link for more details.
    Cereal Commercial

    Have a great week!
    Mrs. Fowler

    Sunday, March 1, 2020

    March 2 - March 6

    ELA 7

     Students will take the Silent Spring selection test on Tuesday.

    On Wednesday students will read/annotate Al Gore's Nobel Speech.  Students will focus on comprehension, analysis, craft and structure, vocabulary, and conventions.  Throughout this selection, students will be asked to evaluate an argument.  Evaluation is not the same as comprehension.  Students are going to critique the argument and look at the persuasive techniques used such as appeals to authority, emotion, and reason.  Students will use this information to make a judgement about how well the author does persuading the reader.  Students are required to write an essay presenting their findings.

    Evaluating an Argument Essay

    The selection test is tentatively scheduled for Friday, March 13th.  I have not yet chosen a due date for the essay.  It will not be this week.

    In addition to studying the selection, we will work through Study Island topics during the second half of the block. Students will have ample time to complete each assignment at school as long as they are using their time wisely.
    Due by the end of the week:
      • Characters
      • Compare and Contrast Literature
      • Affixes and Roots
      Reminder: Podcasts are now due on or before March 6th.  Use the extra time wisely!

      Looking forward to next week:
      Students will also be creating their own brand of cereal and a commercial using persuasive techniques to go with it.  Click on the link for more details.
      Cereal Commercial

      Have a great week!
      Mrs. Fowler

      Sunday, February 23, 2020

      February 24 - February 28

      ELA 7

      Students will be reading an excerpt from Silent Spring.  We will focus on analysis, vocabulary, craft and structure, and conventions.  As of now, the selection test is scheduled for Friday.  Below you will find a study guide, answer key, and additional practice.  

      In addition to studying the selection, we will work through Study Island topics during the second half of the block. Students will have ample time to complete each assignment at school as long as they are using their time wisely.

      Due by the end of the week:
      • Connotation and Denotation in Literature
      • Summarize Literature
      • Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers
      Reminder: Podcasts are now due on or before March 6th.  Use the extra time wisely!
      The TAT Roll for Red bowling tournament is on Friday.  I will be out as will most of the students in my classes.  Students not going on the trip will have time to work on Study Island, their podcasts, and their March Madness reading.

      Megan Bane and Sophia Kessler interview Rick Knoebel, 4th generation owner of Knoebels for their podcast

      Winners of the Sound Devices Escape claim their prize from inside a "dictionary"

      Students take notes during a flipped lesson on writing an essay

      Have a great week!
      Mrs. Fowler

      Friday, February 14, 2020

      February 18 - February 21

      ELA 7

      *Please note that students are given time in class to complete Study Island assignments, however, some students do not use their time wisely.  Please check with your student to make sure he/she is getting his/her work done.  Mid marking period is on Wednesday, February 19th.  Progress reports will be posted by 8 A.M.  I started putting past due assignments in as zeros over the weekend. 

      Students have read and analyzed "The Bells."  We will conclude the selection with a text dependent analysis essay.  The essay is due by the end of the day on Friday. Please note that the text dependent analysis essay will take the place of a selection test for this text.

      "The Bells" Charts/Essay Assignment

      Students will continue to work on their podcasts and March Madness book projects.  Podcasts are due on February 24th.  March Madness projects are due on March 18th.

      Study Island topics to be covered this week:  Varied Sentence Structure (Tuesday), Rhymes and Other Repeating Sounds (Wednesday), Meaning and Tone (Thursday).  These topics correspond with the content of the poem and/or writing the text dependent analysis essay.

      Have a great week!
      Mrs. Fowler

      Monday, February 10, 2020

      February 4 - February 8

      ELA 7

      *Please note that students are given time in class to complete Study Island assignments, however, some students do not use their time wisely.  Please check with your student to make sure he/she is getting his/her work done.  Mid marking period is on February 19th.  Progress reports will be posted by 8 A.M.

      *Any outstanding Study Island assignment that is not submitted by the end of the day on Thursday will be input as a score of zero.  Please check with your student to see if he/she owes any work.  Third marking period topics: Phrases and Clauses, Figurative Meanings in Informational Text, Plot, and Setting (New topic due Thursday).

      Students will begin working on sound and structure this week.  We will read the "The Bells" by Edgar Allan Poe and analyze how sound is used in the poem.  Additionally, students will connect form and meaning.  We will conclude with a text dependent analysis essay.  Please note that the text dependent analysis essay will take the place of a selection test for this text.

      "The Bells" Charts/Essay Assignment

      Students are also going to be going to the library throughout the week to get books for our March Madness book bracket project.  I know it's not March yet; however, students need to start reading now to be ready for the bracket in March.  This project is due on March 18th.  Click on the link for more detail.

      March Madness Project

      Photos from last week's escape room:

      Thank you,
      Mrs. Fowler

      Monday, February 3, 2020

      February 3 - February 7

      ELA 7

      Students will continue to work through the content that corresponds with the short story "Thank You, M'am."  This includes word study (permit, contact, release, and multiple-meaning words), analysis, comprehension, craft and structure (plot), and conventions (prepositions).  

      I have been using a new program called Boardworks to present new information.  I presented plot using this program last week and will present prepositions on Monday.  Students have papers with notes from the presentations that they can use to prepare for the test.

      Phrases and Clauses, and Figurative Meanings in Informational Text were due last week.  Students were given class time to complete each of these topics.  Students may submit grade change forms for these topics until the end of the marking period.  

      Plot is due on Wednesday.

      The "Thank You, M'am" Selection Test is on Friday.  Please see last week's post for the study guide and additional practice.

      Have a great week!
      Mrs. Fowler

      "Thank You, M'am" Escape Room Challenge

      Enter codes here

      Tuesday, January 28, 2020

      January 29 - January 31

      ELA 7

      On Monday/Tuesday, students will prepare for the Act II selection test.  The test is on Wednesday.
        *Phrases and Clauses is due on Friday
        *Figurative Meanings in Informational Text is due on Friday

        On Thursday, students will begin "Thank You, M'am."  Students will focus on comprehension, analysis, vocabulary, craft and structure, and conventions.  Click on the links for a copy of the study guide and some additional practice.

        Have a great week!
        Mrs. Fowler

        Tuesday, January 21, 2020

        January 21 - January 24

        ELA 7

        All classes finished Act II today.  This was the longest selection that we've done this year.  Tomorrow we will begin working through sentence structure.  Students will learn about phrases, clauses, simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences.  Additionally, students will work through vocabulary, stage directions, and a deeper analysis of the text.

        The Act II test will be on January 28th.  Students received a hard copy of the study guide.  The study guide, additional practice, and answer key are available in last week's homework blog post.

        Please note that the children's book project was due today.  Some students opted to present their story to the class.  I'm impressed with what I've seen thus far!

        Have a great week!
        Mrs. Fowler

        Monday, January 13, 2020

        January 13 - January 17

        ELA 7

        Students have begun Act II of A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley.  We will focus on comprehension, vocabulary, analysis, craft and structure, and conventions.  The selection test will be sometime next week.  Below you will find the study guide, additional practice, and an answer key.  It is never too early to prepare!

        Act II Study Guide
        Conventions Additional Practice
        Craft and Structure Additional Practice
        Word Study Additional Practice
        Answer Key

        Students are also spending time this week creating children's books.  The focus of the project is point of view and figurative language.  We kicked things off by reading a children's book so that students would have an example to work from.  Students indicated that they enjoyed being read to and that it reminded them of their early elementary days : )

        Children's Book Project

        Have a great week!
        Mrs. Fowler

        Monday, January 6, 2020

        January 6 - January 10

        ELA 7

        Students will begin the week by working on their benchmark testing.  This is not a timed test.  Students will work on it until it is finished.  Because of Study Island's settings, the benchmark can only be taken during school hours, meaning it only works Monday-Friday 7:30-3:00.

        Toward the middle or end of the week students will begin Act II of A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley.  We will focus on comprehension, vocabulary, analysis, craft and structure, and conventions.  The selection test will be sometime toward the end of next week.  Below you will find the study guide, additional practice, and an answer key.  It is never too early to prepare!

        Act II Study Guide
        Conventions Additional Practice
        Craft and Structure Additional Practice
        Word Study Additional Practice
        Answer Key

        Have a great week!
        Mrs. Fowler

        Wednesday, January 1, 2020

        January 2 - January 3

        ELA 7

        Students often ask me how ELA relates to real life. I'm going to spend part of the next two days showing students real-life applications for ELA. We are going to apply the skills encountered in our error-embedded passages to seeking (pretend) employment.  We are going to explore the Bureau of Labor and Statistics website and do some research on potential careers.  After students find out more about a potential career, they are going to fill out job applications.  Students will be required to use close reading skills,  proper capitalization, punctuation, word choice, etc. 

        Students will also begin the next round of benchmark testing this week.  We will begin Thursday and continue into next week.

        Please make sure your student has completed all active Study Island assignments.  Remember, students may keep working at a topic until they are satisfied with their grades.  This means a student may work at something until he/she earns a 100%.

        Thank you!
        Mrs. Fowler