Wednesday, May 30, 2018

May 29 - June 1

English Lit/ English Comp

This week students will complete end-of-year testing on Pearson Realize.  Testing will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Students will continue watching Percy Jackson in literature for the remainder of the week.

We will attend Knoebels on Thursday.  Students may dress down for the trip.  We will leave school at 9:30 and return prior to dismissal at the end of the day.

Have a great week!
Mrs. Fowler

Friday, May 25, 2018

May 29 - June 1

English Lit/ English Comp

This week we're going to be comparing the written version of The Lightning Thief to the film.  Students will watch the movie during literature and point out similarities and differences.

In composition, students will write a myth.  This assignment is related to the book/film from literature.  For more details, please click on the link. Myth Assignment  The myth is due on June 4th.

Students will also take their end of the year testing to see how much growth they have made from the first week of school to the final days of school.  Students will test in the classroom on Tuesday and Wednesday.

*We are going to Knoebels on Thursday.  We plan to leave the school at 9:15 and return around 2:15.

Last week students worked on graphics during class.  Below you will find some pictures of their work.  Graphics are due on May 29th.

Have a great week!
Mrs. Fowler

Monday, May 21, 2018

May 21 - May 25

English Lit/ English Comp

This week students will continue to read The Lightning Thief.  Students will create a graphic that corresponds with what we have read thus far.  Students will work on the graphic in class on Thursday and Friday.  The graphic is due May 29th.

The Lightning Thief Graphic Assignment

Students will also practice their informational writing skills by creating a brochure about English class for next year's seventh grade students.  The brochure is due on Wednesday for periods 4 and 8.  It is due on Thursday for period 1.

Brochure Assignment

Next week, students will write a myth.  Myth Assignment

*Reminder: Students are going to Knoebels on May 31st.  Students should report to school at their regular time.  We will return prior to dismissal.

Have a great week!
Mrs. Fowler

Thursday, May 10, 2018

May 14 - May 18

English Lit/ English Comp

Students will have the opportunity to work on their individual assignments for the mock trial Monday through Wednesday.  The mock trial will be held on Wednesday and Thursday.  Students may come to school dressed for their roles in the trial.  Students need to carry a pass saying that they are participating in the mock trial, so they are allowed to dress down. 

*This assignment is a large part of the 4th marking period grade.  Please make sure your student has completed his/her assignments and is fully prepared for the trial.

Below you will find trial agenda:

Students will also continue with The Lightning Thief this week.  All reading will be completed in class unless a student is absent.  Students will complete reading quizzes after every 3 chapters.

The students did a nice job with the pre-trial activities.  Below you will find some pictures of the skits that they wrote and performed for the class.

Have a great week!
Mrs. Fowler

Monday, May 7, 2018

May 7 - May 11

English Lit/ English Comp

This week we will continue to work through The Outsiders mock trial in comp.  Students will be assigned specific roles by the end of the week, and everyone will be working on different parts of the trial.  Some of the roles are: prosecution, defense, judge, bailiff, news media, police officer, medical examiner, Randy, David, Johnny, Ponyboy, Darry, Soda, Steve, Two-Bit, Cherry, and jury.  Each role will come with different assignments.  Each student will receive a manila folder with their instructions inside.

Trial Roles:

*Work pertaining to the trial will be completed in class; however, students may work on it outside of class if they wish to do so.  We will have the trial in the SGI room on the 17th.

In lit, students will finish the film version of The Outsiders and move into another novel entitled The Lightning Thief.  We will complete the reading inside of class.

*Students will not have any homework this week.

Students enjoyed participating in reader's theater last week:

Have a great week!
Mrs. Fowler