Monday, December 16, 2019

December 16 - December 20


On Monday students will review for the Act I test during the first half of the block and begin watching the movie during the second half.

Students will take the Act I test on Tuesday.  If the weather does not cooperate, the test will be moved back to Wednesday.  

Students will watch the movie and compare it to the text during the final days before break.

Happy holidays!
Mrs. Fowler

Monday, December 9, 2019

December 9 - December 13


This week students will be wrapping up Act I of A Christmas Carol.  Students will continue to practice with comprehension, analysis, craft and structure, and conventions. 

*The Act I test will be on Tuesday, December 17th.  Please refer to last week's post for the study guide/additional practice.

There are no new Study Island topics this week.

Have a great week!
Mrs. Fowler

Monday, December 2, 2019

December 3 - December 6


The essential question for unit 3 is: What can cause a sudden change in someone's life?  As we read the first act of A Christmas Carol, we will explore this question.

During the first half of the play, students will work on comprehension, analysis, vocabulary, dialogue in a drama, and subject-verb agreement.

Below you will find the study guide, additional practice, and an answer key.  It is never too early to start preparing for a selection test.  Simply completing your work inside of class is not enough.  You need to study outside of class for each test and complete the Study Island assignments which correspond with the material on the test.

*Transitions is due by the end of the day on Wednesday
*Structure of Literature is due by the end of the day on Friday

A Christmas Carol Act I Study Guide
Additional Practice Concept Vocabulary
Additional Practice Craft and Structure
Additional Practice Conventions
Additional Practice Answer Key

Have a great week!
Mrs. Fowler