Thursday, April 26, 2018

The Outsiders: Nothing Gold Can Stay TedEd assignment

Watch The Outsiders: Nothing Gold Can Stay

Think: Answer the questions

Dig Deeper: Explore the additional resources

Discuss this passage with a partner:

Take a look at the excerpt from The Outsiders. Discuss the questions that follow!
Listen, I don't mind dying now. It's worth it. It's worth saving their kids. Their lives are worth more than mine, they have more to live for. Some of their parents came by to thank me and I know it was worth it. (12.64) Is Johnny right? Can we say if one human life is worth more than another? Are the lives of five children worth more than the life of one teenage Johnny? And is that even a fair question?

Write a a paragraph (consisting of at least 5 sentences) that answers the discussion questions.  Make sure to address all parts.  

And finally....
What is your overall impression of the book The Outsiders thus far? Is it truly a timeless piece of literature?