Monday, December 7, 2015

December 1 - December 7

Grade 7

This week students will work elaborating on details and word choice.  Students will complete various writing assignments throughout the week that require them to be very descriptive.  Students will participate in a lot of peer editing.  The focus correction areas will be indentation, capitalization, punctuation, vivid detail, word choice, fragments, and run-ons.  Students will review skills on Friday and take a short assessment.

Grade 9

On Tuesday, students will complete a RACERS writing assignment.  Students will view a film adaptation of Romeo and Juliet on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.  Students will fill out a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting the play and the movie.  Students will write an essay about the similarities and differences on their test on Wednesday of next week.  Students will be allowed to use the Venn diagram to help them construct their response.