English Literature/ English Composition
We took the "Two Kinds" test on Friday. To see your studen'ts test, have them log onto www.pearsonrealize.com. Their username is ns followed by their lunch number, and their password is abc123. Once you are on the site, click on assignments. Click on the completed tab. This will show you your student's score, what they need more practice with, and what they completed successfully.
The Pearson tests take some getting used to at first because they are very rigorous. Students need to apply what they learned rather than just memorize and regurgitate information. I am allowing students to retake the test if they are not happy with their score. Prior to retaking the test, we will be having WIN time. WIN stands for What I Need. Each student needs practice with different combinations of different areas. I do not want to bore students or waste their time by having them work on things that they have successfully completed. I also do not want them to move on without mastering each concept from the selection. WIN time takes care of these concerns. Each student will be working on different areas such as nouns, pronouns, summary, point of view, textual evidence, and character this week. When students have successfully completed the practice in their area(s) of need, they will retake the "Two Kinds" test. The higher score of the two will go into the gradebook.
If a student does not have any area(s )that they need to practice, they will move to another selection that will provide them with a challenge so that they keep on growing.
In addition to our WIN time, students are taking the PSSA ELA Study Island Benchmark this week.
I wanted to update you on our Donors Choose project. We are very close to meeting our goal! We have successfully raised $1,438! We still need $538 to meet our goal. If you have not donated, please consider donating to this worthwhile cause. Having this technology will help me successfully meet the needs of all of our students and keep everyone actively engaged. Even $1 helps. If you cannot donate, please spread the word. Thank you for all of your support thus far!
Pictures of students citing evidence from the text last week:
Students playing Sentence Structure Quizlet:
Have a great week!
Mrs. Fowler