The selection test on "Two Kinds" will be on Friday. Click on the hyperlink to view the study guide. It's never too early to start preparing! "Two Kinds" Study Guide
The sentence types/parts test in English Composition will take place on Tuesday. I had originally scheduled it for Friday (9/15), but I felt the students had more to learn before the assessment. Your students actually became teachers and prepared mini lessons to share with the class on this topic. We will finish presenting student lessons tomorrow. They have done a great job thus far! They gave me some great ideas to use in the future. The pictures below are from their presentations.
Please note the following important dates:
- "Two Kinds" First Read 4-Square is due by the end of the day on Tuesday (if not already turned in)
- "Two Kinds" Storyboard is due by the end of the day on Tuesday (if not already turned in)
- CDT tests are due September 22nd (if not already completed)
- Beginning-of-the-year testing (Pearson) is due September 29th (if not already completed)
Click on the hyperlinks for some extra practice leading up to the test on Friday. Students do not have to complete these exercises, however, it is highly recommended.
There will be a reading strategy quiz on Thursday. This week's strategy will be visualization. Students should study the bell ringers from week 3 days 1-4 leading up to the quiz. Updated Reading Strategy PowerPoint
Reminder: The last day for the doubling code for our Donors Choose project is on Thursday. Up until Thursday, Donors Choose will double donations of up to $50 when you use the promo code LIFTOFF. I'm excited to announce that WYLN is coming to do an interview about our project early this week! Keep your eyes out for the broadcast.