I have some homework the parents/guardians this week. As you may be aware of, ELA PSSA testing is April 15, 16, and 17 this year. These days can be long and/or unpleasant for students. I like to do things the week of testing to make the experience a little
more positive for them and ease their stress/anxiety.
One of the things that I like to do is give them notes of encouragement from their parents/guardians on the first morning of testing. You would be surprised how much it means to students to get a positive message from a parent or guardian. If you follow the
link and fill out the google form, I will print your message, attach a treat, and deliver it to your student on the morning of testing to brighten his/her day.
Link to Google form: https://goo.gl/forms/w1sG1DuwfBh4zTfD3
If you are not comfortable with Google forms, you can simply email your message to me at mfowler@northschuylkill.net or you can fill out the attached form and send it back to school with your student.
Below you can see some examples from last year.
Thank you,
Mrs. Fowler