Monday, February 10, 2020

February 4 - February 8


*Please note that students are given time in class to complete Study Island assignments, however, some students do not use their time wisely.  Please check with your student to make sure he/she is getting his/her work done.  Mid marking period is on February 19th.  Progress reports will be posted by 8 A.M.

*Any outstanding Study Island assignment that is not submitted by the end of the day on Thursday will be input as a score of zero.  Please check with your student to see if he/she owes any work.  Third marking period topics: Phrases and Clauses, Figurative Meanings in Informational Text, Plot, and Setting (New topic due Thursday).

Students will begin working on sound and structure this week.  We will read the "The Bells" by Edgar Allan Poe and analyze how sound is used in the poem.  Additionally, students will connect form and meaning.  We will conclude with a text dependent analysis essay.  Please note that the text dependent analysis essay will take the place of a selection test for this text.

"The Bells" Charts/Essay Assignment

Students are also going to be going to the library throughout the week to get books for our March Madness book bracket project.  I know it's not March yet; however, students need to start reading now to be ready for the bracket in March.  This project is due on March 18th.  Click on the link for more detail.

March Madness Project

Photos from last week's escape room:

Thank you,
Mrs. Fowler