English 7/Academic English 7
On Monday students will be introduced to the Latin roots ACT or AG, meaning "to do, drive" and OPER, meaning "to work." The unit 1B vocabulary words are transact, agenda, coagulate, inoperable, cooperate, and operational. Students will be tested on these words on Friday.
This week students will begin learning about main idea and supporting details. Students will examine pieces of writing and identify both the main idea and supporting details. Once students are proficient identifying these items, they will begin writing short paragraphs with main ideas and supporting details. Students will continue practicing types of sentences by including the 4 types of sentences in their paragraphs and using correct punctuation.
Academic English 9
Students will begin working on vocabulary unit 2B this week. The words are melee, mischance, misgiving, morose, privation, recoil, tribulation, and rue. The vocabulary test will be on Friday. Please note that vocabulary sentences are due on Friday.
Students will continue reading Romeo and Juliet. We will continue to focus on character this week. Discussion focus:
- Capulet's objections to the marriage of Juliet and Paris
- What can you tell about Lord Capulet's character traits based on his talk with Paris?
- Compare Capulet's advice to Paris with Benvolio's advice to Romeo
- The repetition of the word What in the Nurse's speech
- Compare and contrast the relationship between Juliet and the Nurse and Juliet and Lady Capulet