Wednesday, May 22, 2019

June 3 - June 4


The 7th/8th grade class trip is on Monday, June 3rd.  Students will leave school around 9:00 and return by 2:30.

June 4th is a half day of school.  The day will be spent wrapping everything up.

I would like to thank both the students and parents for a great school year!  

Have a great summer!
Mrs. Fowler

May 28 - May 31


School is not in session on Monday, May 27th.

Students will finish Independent Study this week.  

Reminder: Independent reading projects are due on Friday, May 31st.  

We will be going outside on May 29th/May 30th for the "Design Your Own Test" project.  Students should be ready to administer their test to their classmates on either Wednesday or Thursday.

On Friday, two students from my period 4/5 block will run an escape room for all of my classes.  

Have a great week!
Mrs. Fowler

May 20 - May 24


This week students will continue to read The Testing series.  Additionally, students will work on their independent reading/independent reading project. Reminder: The independent reading project is due May 31st.

Students have been tasked with designing their own tests, much like what happens in our book.  Students will have time to work with their partners throughout the week to plan their tests.  In addition to designing a test, students will proctor the test to their classmates.  Testing will take place on May 29/May 30.
Design Your Own Test Project

Have a great week!
Mrs. Fowler

Monday, May 13, 2019

May 13 - May 17


We have had a change of plans.  We are no longer going to do The Grapes of Wrath selection.  Our Donor's Choose project was fully funded, and we received the last two books in The Testing trilogy.  The students would prefer to finish the year reading the novels, so that is what we are going to do.  We will be reading the books and completing various activities that correspond with the novels.  

*Please note that we are still doing the independent reading project.  Students will have time during class each day to read their books/work on the project.  The project is due May 31st.

Below you will find some pictures of students from when we received the books last week.  They were pretty excited!  Thank you to all that donated and/or spread the word about our project.  It is much appreciated!

Have a great week!
Mrs. Fowler

Monday, May 6, 2019

May 6 - May 10


On Wednesday, students will read an excerpt from The Grapes of Wrath and watch a video about the Dust Bowl.  We will focus on comprehension, analysis, vocabulary, and author's style.  Additionally, we will be comparing text to media.  The test will be on May 14th.

Students will be finishing up their book trailers on Monday/Tuesday.  All book trailers are due by the end of the day on May 7th.

Students will continue to read their independent books and complete the independent reading assignments.  Students must choose either assignment 1, assignment 2, or assignment 3.  Reading assignments are due May 31st

Have a great week!
Mrs. Fowler