Thursday, April 25, 2019

April 29 - May 3


Students are taking the mathematics PSSA on Monday and Tuesday of this week, so some of them will be missing ELA classes.

This week students will finish The Testing and begin working on a book trailer for the text.  The book trailer is due on May 7, 2019.

In addition to working on the book trailer, students will also be engaging in independent reading.  Students went to the library last week to check out independent reading books.  Students will be reading the books in class and completing various assignments/projects.  Please note that books should be 150 or more pages and be fictional.  Students should pick something that interests them since they will be working closely with the text for the next few weeks.

Last week students completed blackout poetry and performed various scenes from the works of William Shakespeare in honor of his birthday.  Pictures below.

Have a great week!
Mrs. Fowler

Thursday, April 18, 2019

April 22 - April 26


On Friday, some of my classes began a blackout poetry project using pages from The Testing.  The work thus far has been outstanding!  Poems are due on Wednesday.  Follow the link to access the assignment.  Below you will find some pictures of completed poems.

In addition to reading/discussing The Testing, students will complete graphics.  Follow the link to access a copy of the assignment.  Graphics are due on Friday.

Knoebels permission slips, money, and/or the fundraiser are due by the end of the day on TUESDAY.  Click on the link for a copy of the permission slip.

Have a great week!
Mrs. Fowler

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Thank you, Parents!

I would like to thank those of you that did the "parent homework."  You really brightened your student's day with your encouraging message.  It was a huge hit!

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

April 14 - April 19

Students will be taking the ELA PSSA this week, so there will be no ELA homework.  Encourage your student to do his/her best, get a good amount of sleep, and eat a nutritious breakfast.

Have a great week!
Mrs. Fowler

Monday, April 8, 2019

April 8 - April 12

Students will continue to read/discuss The Testing the week.  In addition to reading, students will participate in review game, reviewing all of the concepts that we have learned thus far.

Our donor's choose project has gone live!  Students really want to read the last two books in The Testing trilogy.  Please help make their request a reality!
Follow the link to donate to this worthwhile cause Donor's Choose Project

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

April 1 - April 5


This week students will continue to read/discuss The Testing.  Students will also work on continuing to hone their writing skills.  We are going to work on avoiding dropped quotes and introducing quotes.