Monday, February 25, 2019

February 25 - March 1


Students will take the Silent Spring selection test on Tuesday.  

Following the selection test, students will move into the next round of benchmark testing.  Over half the students in my classes scored advanced last time around!  I was very impressed!  I hope to see growth since the last time we benchmarked in December.  

After we wrap up benchmarking, students will read a Nobel Speech by Al Gore.  Students will learn how to evaluate arguments and how to make their own arguments more persuasive.  

Have a great week!
Mrs. Fowler

Friday, February 15, 2019

February 18-February 22


This week students will continue to work on the excerpt from Silent Spring.  We covered comprehension and analysis last week, so we will focus more on conventions, vocabulary, and craft and structure this week.  

We are going to complete a text dependent analysis essay during class.  Students will complete the graphic organizer on Monday and write one paragraph per day.  I will be conferencing with students each day and providing feedback.  The essay is due at the end of the double class period on Friday.  Click on the link to view a copy of the assignment.

As of now I'm going to plan on having the selection test on Friday; however, the date may change depending on the weather.  Students have a copy of the study guide.  Additional copies, additional practice, and the additional practice answer key can be obtained by scrolling down on my blog or from last week's email update.  

In addition to working on the selection and the TDA, students will have time to work on their Study Island assignments.

Have a great week!
Mrs. Fowler