Monday, October 26, 2015

October 26 - October 30

Grade 7

This week students will be working on finding the simple subject in inverted declarative sentences and declarative sentences that begin with here and there.  Please note that here and there are never simple subjects.  Students will also identify the understood you as the simple subject in imperative sentences and identify the simple subject in interrogative sentences.  Students will choose differentiated activities to complete such as the direction challenge or a brochure. These activities are geared toward individual levels of performance and meant to scaffold students to a higher level.  Students will also begin working on conjunctions and thesis statements.

The vocabulary test this week will be on Tuesday.  The words are: impermanent, remnant, opponent, proposition, composition, and deposit.

Students will not have any assignments to complete outside of class besides studying for the vocabulary test.

Grade 9

Students are wrapping up Act II of Romeo and Juliet.  This week students will complete a RACERS comparing Romeo and Juliet determining whether or not Juliet is more mature than Romeo and if she teaches him the meaning of true love.  Students will cite evidence from the text to support their viewpoint.  Students will also participate in an Act II remix project, adapting and performing one of the scenes in another place and time.  Students will change the language and the setting, but retain the underlying meaning of the original dialogue.  Grading will be based on both the performance and script.

The vocabulary test this week will be on Wednesday.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

October 12-October 16

October 12- October 16

Grade 7

Students will be participating in classroom diagnostic writing testing this week in the computer lab.  Testing will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday.  All students grades 7-11 are required to take the assessment.  Due to the shortened week and the testing, we will not have a new vocabulary unit this week. On Thursday and Friday we will pick up where we left off with main idea and supporting details.  We will also continue to work on our student generated assessments, which are due at the end of the period on Friday.

Please note: Students may retake any assessment in English class during the marking period.  Our focus is on learning.  If a student doesn't succeed the first time, I want him to keep trying until he does!  Students may also revise writing assignments to improve upon the grade.  If a student would like to retake a test the student should see me to make arrangements.  Students are aware of this policy.

Grade 9
Students will be participating in classroom diagnostic writing testing this week in the computer lab.  Testing will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday.  All students grades 7-11 are required to take the assessment.  Due to the shortened week and the testing, we will not have a new vocabulary unit this week. Students will work on their Shakespeare scene remixes on Thursday and Friday.  Additionally, we will read/discuss Act II scene ii. 

Please note: Students may retake any assessment in English class during the marking period.  Our focus is on learning.  If a student doesn't succeed the first time, I want him to keep trying until he does!  Students may also revise writing assignments to improve upon the grade.  If a student would like to retake a test the student should see me to make arrangements.  Your student is aware of this policy.

Monday, October 5, 2015

October 5 - October 9

Grade 7

On Monday students will be introduced to Unit 2A Vocabulary.  This week's words are: defunct, malfunction, capacity, captivate, and recipient.  There will be a test on Friday. 

Comics are due Tuesday.

This week students will learn how to combine sentences by using compound subjects and compound predicates.  Additionally, students will learn to elaborate sentences by using compound subjects or compound predicates. 

Students will complete a student-generated assessment this week.  Students were given writing, grammar, and vocabulary goals and were tasked with creating their own assessment. This assignment is due Friday.

Students will continue working on identifying main idea and supporting details.  They will begin to write paragraphs on topics they established last week.

Academic English 9

Students will take the Unit 3A vocabulary test on Friday.

Students completed a RACERS assignment on Monday:

A dramatic foil is a character who highlights the traits of another character through contrast.  For example, in Act I, Benvolio, who tries to quiet a group of brawling servants is a foil to Tybalt, who has a fiery hot temper.  Foils possess contrasting personality traits.  Choose either Benvolio or Mercutio and explain how he is a dramatic foil for Romeo.

Students will work on their Shakespeare Remix for the rest of the week.  Student groups were tasked with choosing a scene from Act I to remix.  Students are to imagine the events taking place in a different time and place.  Then students will rewrite the scene in the new setting and give their interpretation of the scene.  The original intent should be present.  Students then choose to act out their scene live in front of our class or submit a video.  The project is graded on both the script and the performance.